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Assistant Professor (Chargé de Cours),

Service de Physique Théorique

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium




10/2017 - now Post-doctoral Researcher (FNRS-Chargé de Recherche)

Cosmology, Universe and Relativity at Louvain (CURL group),

Center for Cosmology, Phenomenology and Particle Physics (CP3),

Institut de Recherche en Mathématiques et en Physique (IRMP),

University of Louvain, Belgium

and Namur Center for Complex Systems (naXys), Cosmology Group,

Department of Mathematics, University of Namur, Belgium

10/2015 – 09/2017 Post-doctoral Researcher

Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology (TTK)

RWTH Aachen University, Germany


11/2013 – 09/2015: Post-Doctoral Researcher (BELSPO)

Namur Center for Complex Systems (naXys) – Cosmology Group

Department of Mathematics, University of Namur, Belgium


10/2012 – 11/2013: Post-Doctoral Researcher (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow)

T70 group, Theoretical Physics of the Early Universe

Technical University of Munich (TUM), Excellence Cluster Universe, Germany


09/2012 – 10/2012: Post-Doctoral Researcher (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow)

Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology (TTK)

RWTH Aachen University, Germany


09/2011 – 09/2012: Post-Doctoral Researcher (Wiener-Anspach Fellow)

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom






09/2007 – 09/2011: PhD (FRIA)

Service de Physique Théorique (SPT), University of Brussels (ULB)

and Center of Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3),

University of Louvain (UCL)

Ph.D.Thesis: Hybrid Inflation: Multi-field dynamics and Cosmological Constraints

Supervisors: Prof. M. Tytgat (ULB), Prof. C. Ringeval (UCL).


09/2006 – 09/2007: Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

University of Louvain (UCL)


01/2006 – 06/2006: Erasmus Stay at the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT),

Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, Luminy.


09/2004 – 09/2006: Master Degree (Licence) in Physics, University of Namur

Final Grade: First Class Honours (La Plus Grande Distinction)


09/2002 – 09/2004: Bachelor Degree (Candidatures) in Physics at the University of Namur

Final Grade: Distinction




1. FNRS-FRIA doctoral fellowship (four-years)


2. Wiener-Anspach Post-Doctoral Fellowship (one-year),


3. Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship (two-years),


4. BELSPO return grant (two-years)


5. FNRS Chargé de Recherche (three-years)




Euclid Star Prize 2019 (best team in the Euclid consortium) for the IST-Forecasts team in charge of the computation of the Euclid cosmological forecasts.




Number of papers: 47 (including 10 CORE papers, 38 published/submitted in peer reviewed journals,

4 conference proceedings and 4 Astro2020 decadal survey white papers)

h-index: 21 (source:

Citations: > 1500

Average citations per (published) paper: 45 (on Aug.16, 2019)




[1] B. Carr, S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido, F. Kühnel,

Cosmic Conundra Explained by Thermal History and Primordial Black Holes

arXiv:1906.08217, submitted to Nat. Astron.


[2] J. Garcia-Bellido, B. Carr, S. Clesse,

A common origin for baryons and dark matter

arXiv:1904.11482, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.

[3] B. Carr, S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido

Primordial Black Holes, Dark Matter and Hot-Spot Electroweak Baryogenesis

arXiv:1904.02129, submitted to Phys. Rev. D


[4] S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido, S. Orani,

Detecting the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Primordial Black Hole Formation

arXiv:1801.08331, submitted to JCAP


[5] T. Sprenger, M. Archidiacono, T. Brinckmann, S. Clesse, J. Lesgourgues,

Cosmology in the era of Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array

arXiv:1801.08331, accepted for publication in JCAP


[6] J. Garcia-Bellido, S. Clesse, P. Fleury,

Primordial black holes survive SN lensing constraints

Phys.Dark Univ. 20 (2018) 95-100, arXiv:1712.06574


[7] S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido,

Seven Hints for Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter

Phys.Dark Univ. 22 (2018) 137-146, arXiv:1711.10458


[8] J. Garcia-Bellido, S. Clesse,

Constraints from microlensing experiments on clustered primordial black holes

Phys.Dark Univ. 19 (2018) 144-148, arXiv:1710.04694


[9] V. Poulin, P. Serpico, F. Calore, S. Clesse, K. Kohri,

CMB bounds on disk-accreting massive Primordial Black Holes

Phys.Rev.D96, 2017, 083524, arXiv:1707.04206

[10] S. Clesse, A. Roisin, A. Füzfa,

Mimicking Dark Energy with the backreactions of gigaparsec inhomogeneities,

arXiv:1702.06643, submitted to Phys. Rev. D.


[11] F. Finelli et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: Inflation

JCAP 1804 (2018) 016 , arXiv:1612.08270


[12] E. Di Valentino et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: Cosmological Parameters

JCAP 1804 (2018) 017 , arXiv:1612.00021


[13] S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido,

Detecting the gravitational wave background from primordial black hole dark matter

Phys. Dark. Univ., 18, 2017, 105-114, arXiv:1610.08479


[14] S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido,

The clustering of massive Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter: measuring their mass distribution with Advanced LIGO, Phys.Dark.Univ. 10 (2016) 002, arXiv:1603.05234


[15] P. Bull et al.

Beyond Lambda-CDM: Problems, solutions and the road ahead

Phys.Dark.Univ. 12 (2016) 56-99, arXiv:1512.05536

[16] S. Schlögel, S. Clesse, A. Füzfa

Probing Modified Gravity with Atom-Interferometry: a Numerical Approach

Phys.Rev.D., 2016, 93 104036, arXiv:1507.03081


[17] A. Barreira, P. Brax, S. Clesse, B. Li, P. Valageas

K-mouflage gravity models that pass Solar System and cosmological constraints

Phys.Rev.D.91, 2015,123522, arXiv:1504.01493


[18] S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido

Massive Primordial Balck Holes from Hybrid Inflation as Dark Matter and the Seeds of Galaxies

Phys.Rev.D.92, 2015, 023524, arXiv:1501.07565


[19] A. Barreira, P. Brax, S. Clesse, B. Li, P. Valageas

Linear perturbations in K-mouflage cosmologies with massive neutrinos,

Phys.Rev.D.91, 2015, 063529, arXiv:1411.5965


[20] S. Clesse, J. Reckier

Updated Constraints on Large Field Hybrid Inflation,

Phys.Rev.D.90, 2014, 8 083527, arXiv:1407.1984


[21] S. Clesse, B. Garbrecht, Y. Zhu

Testing Inflation and Curvaton scenarios with CMB distortions,

JCAP, 1410, 2014, 10 046, arXiv:1402.2257


[22] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, S. Clesse, A.C. Davis, G. Sculthorpe,

Early Modified Gravity: Implications for Cosmology,

Phys.Rev.D, 2014, D89, 123507, arXiv:13123361


[23] S. Clesse, B. Garbrecht, Y. Zhu,

Non-gaussianities and Curvature Perturbations from Hybrid Inflation,

Phys.Rev.D. 2014, D89, 063519, arXiv:1304.7042


[24] P. Brax, S. Clesse, A.C. Davis,

Signatures of Modified Gravity on the 21-cm power spectrum at Reionisation,

JCAP, 2013, 1301, 003, arXiv:1207.1273

[25] S. Clesse, L. Lopez-Honorez, C. Ringeval, H. Tashiro, M.H.G. Tytgat,

Background reionization history from omniscopes,

Phys.Rev.D, 2012, D86,  123505, arXiv:1208.4277


[26] S. Clesse, B. Garbrecht,

Slow-Roll during the Waterfall Regime: The Small Coupling Window for SUSY Hybrid Inflation,

Phys.Rev.D, 2012, D86, 023525, arXiv:1204.3540


[27] M. Lilley, L. Lorenz, S. Clesse,

Observational signatures of a non-singular bouncing cosmology, 

JCAP, 2011, 1106, 004, arXiv:1104.3494


[28] S. Clesse,

Hybrid Inflation along Waterfall Trajectories,

Phys.Rev.D, 2011, D83, 063518, arXiv:1006.4522

[29] S. Clesse, C. Ringeval, J. Rocher,

Fractal initial conditions and natural parameter values in hybrid inflation,

Phys.Rev.D, 2009, D80, 123534, arXiv:0909.0402


[30] S. Clesse, J. Rocher,

Avoiding the blue spectrum and the fine-tuning of initial conditions in hybrid inflation,

Phys.Rev.D, 2009, D79, 103507, arXiv:0809.4355


Other ECO-CORE papers (accepted for publication in a special JCAP issue):


[31] P. Natoli et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: mitigation of systematic effects,

JCAP 1804 (2018) 022, arXiv:1707.04224


[32] A. Challinor et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: gravitational lensing of the CMB,

JCAP 1804 (2018) 018, arXiv:1707.02259


[33] J. Delabrouille et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: Survey requirements and mission design,

JCAP 1804 (2018) 014, arXiv:1706.04516


[34] P. de Bernardis et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: The instrument,

JCAP 1804 (2018) 015, arXiv:1705.02170


[35] C. Burigana et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: effects of observer peculiar motion,

JCAP 1804 (2018) 021, arXiv:1704.05764


[36] M. Remazeilles et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: B-mode component separation,

JCAP 1804 (2018) 023, arXiv:1704.04501


[37] J.-B. Melin et al. (CORE collaboration),

JCAP 1804 (2018) 019, Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: Cluster Science, arXiv:1703.10456


[38] G. De Zotti et al. (CORE collaboration),

Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: Extragalactic sources in cosmic microwave background maps, JCAP 1804 (2018) 020, arXiv:1609.07263




[39] A. Kashlinsky, Y. Ali-Haimoud, S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido, L. Wyrzykowski, et al.

Electromagnetic probes of primordial black holes as dark matter

arXiv:1903.02129, Astro2020 decadal survey Science White Paper


[40] N. Sehgal et al.,

CMB-HD: An ultra-deep, high-resolution millimeter-wave survey over half the sky

arXiv:1906.10134, Astro2020 decadal survey, APC White Paper


[41] A. Kashlinsky et al.,

Populations behind the source-subtracted cosmic infrared background anisotropies

arXiv:1903.04324, Astro2020 decadal survey Science White Paper


[42] J. Chluba et al.,

Spectral distortions of the CMB as a probe of inflation, recombination, structure formation and particle physics, arXiv:1903.04218, Astro2020 decadal survey Science White Paper




[43] J. Garcia-Bellido, S. Clesse, Sci.Am. 317 (2017) no.1, 38-43

Black Holes from the Beginning of Time, published in the Scientific American, july 2017 issue.

Translated in Dutch, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, for other journals of the Sciam group. Re-edited in July 2018 in a special Sci. Am. issue on Revolutions in Sciences and in 2019 in a special issue on hot topics in cosmology.




[44] S. Schlögel, S. Clesse, A. Füzfa,

Numerical forecasts for lab experiments constraining modified gravity: the chameleon model

Proceedings of the 14th Marcel Grossmann meeting, Roma, July 2015, arXiv:1512.07738


[45] S. Clesse, An introduction to inflation after Planck: from theory to observations

Proceedings of the 10th Modave School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, PoS, 2014, arXiv:1501.00460


[46] S. Clesse, Initial conditions in hybrid inflation, exploration by MCMC technique

Proceedings of the 45th Rencontres de Moriond conference, 2010, arXiv:1006.4435


[47] S. Clesse, Anamorphosis in hybrid inflation : How to avoid the fine-tuning of initial conditions

Proc. of the Invisible Universe International conference, AIP Conf. Proc., 2010, 1241, 543,arXiv:0910.3810




1. Primordial Black Holes as a Common origin of baryons and dark matter, Next Frontiers in the search of dark matter conference, September 2019, Florence, Italy (invited)

2. Detecting the Gravitational Wave Signatures of Primordial Black Holes with LISA, 7th LISA cosmology working group meeting, September 2019, Padova, Italy.

3. The hunt of sub-solar primordial black holes is open, Belgian-Dutch Gravitational Wave meeting, June 2019, Maastricht, Netherlands

4. A common origin for baryons and dark matter, News from the Dark Workshop, May 2019, Montpellier, France (invited)

5. Detecting the stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds from primordial black holes with LISA, 6th meeting of the LISA Cosmology Working Group, IFT-UAM, Madrid, Spain (invited)

6. Could primordial black holes be the Dark Matter?, Dark Matter workshop, 10-11 December 2018, LUPM, Montpellier, France (invited)

7. Merger rates of sub-solar PBH binaries, one-day informal workshop on the search of sub-solar BH with LIGO/Virgo, 22 November 2018, Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

8. Euclid XC forecasts, MCMC vs Fisher, annual symposium of the Euclid consortium, 10-15 June 2018, Bonn, Germany.

9. Seven Hints for Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter, Theory Workshop on Primordial vs astrophysical origin of black holes, May 2018, CERN, Geneva, Swiss (organiser)

10. Gravitational Waves and cosmology – Seven hints for primordial black holes as Dark Matter, Belgian GW meeting, 26 February 2018, ULB, Brussels

11. Detecting the gravitational wave background form primordial black hole dark matter with the Einstein Telescope, January 2018, Einstein Telescope - CosPa meeting, Liège

12. Impact of non-linear uncertainties on Euclid and SKA forecasts,

December 2017, SKA-Cosmology meeting, Queen Mary University London, UK

13. Seven Hints for Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter, Dark Matter Workshop @CP3, 6-8 December 2017, University of Louvain, Belgium (invited)

14. Can primordial black holes be the dark matter?, DESY Theory Workshop: Fundamental physics in the cosmos: the early, the large and the dark Universe, Hamburg, Germany, 6-29 September 2017, (invited)

15. Hints for Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter in galactic and extra-galactic observations? 18th meeting of the FNRS Contact Group Astronomie & Astrophysique, Brussels, Belgium, September 2017

16. Can primordial black holes be the dark matter?, IRN (ex GDR) Terascale conference, Montpellier, France, July 2017 (invited)

17. Can massive primordial black holes be the dark matter? Probing the Early Universe with Gravity workshop, APC, Paris, November 2016 (invited)

18. Quick review of COSMOBOX_dev development, Annual Euclid consortium meeting, London, United Kingdom, June 2017

19. Stochastic Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Holes Dark Matter, 6th Dutch-Belgian Gravitational Wave meeting, KUL, Leuven, Belgium, March 2017

20. Slow-roll Inflation in the era of Euclid, Euclid WP4 Initial Conditions meeting, University of Geneva, February 2017

21. Can massive primordial black holes be the dark matter?, Vacuum 2017 workshop, ICC Barcelona, January 2017 (invided)

22. Can massive primordial black holes be the dark matter? DESY theory workshop: Rethinking quantum field theory, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, September 2016 (invited)

23. Quick introduction to MontePython and Hack-session, Annual Euclid consortium meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2016

24. Hunting down the right inflation model!, CORE CMB-M5 mission workshop, CERN, Geneva, May 2016.

25. Simulating the Inhomogeneous Universe with ICARUS, 6th COSPA meeting, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, March 2016

26. Testing inflation and curvaton scenarios with CMB distortions, Meeting on Prospectives for the future CMB experiments, LPNHE Jussieu, Paris, February 2016

27. Slow-roll inflation in the era of Euclid, Gravity at the largest scales conference, University of Heidelberg, October 2015.

28. Massive Primordial Black Holes from Hybrid Inflation as Dark Matter and the Seeds of Galaxies, COSMO-15 conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 2015

29. Massive Primordial Black Holes from Hybrid Inflation as Dark Matter and the Seeds of Galaxies, 5th COSPA-meeting, Mons University, Belgium, May 2015.

30. Massive Primordial Black Holes from Inflation as Dark Matter and the Seeds of Galaxies,

16th meeting of the FNRS contact group: Astronomie et Astrophysique, Brussels Planetarium, Belgium, May 2015.

31. Moderator of the Inflation discussion session, Beyond Lambda-CDM conference, Oslo, January 2015

32. Slow-roll inflation in the era of Euclid, Euclid theory group meeting, Oslo, January 2015

33. Signatures of Modified Gravity on the 21cm Power Spectrum at Reionisation,

Dark Energy Interactions conference, NORDITA, Stockholm, October 2014.

34. Series of Invited Lectures on Inflation and Planck-BICEP2 results, Modave summer school of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, September 2014, Modave, Belgium.

35. Testing Inflation and Curvaton scenarios with CMB distortions, COrE/PRISM workshop for a M4 ESA mission, February 2014, APC, Paris.

36. 21-cm Cosmic Background: the cosmology of the future?, 1st CosPa meeting, January 2014, ULB Brussels, Belgium.

37. Original, F-term and D-term Hybrid Inflation after Planck, Workshop Fundamental Physics, CMB and LSS in the light of Planck and DES, October 2013, UAM-CSIC, Madrid.

38. New insights in hybrid inflation, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with Planck Conference, June 2013, CERN, Geneva, Suiss

39. New constraints on (original, F-term, D-term) Hybrid inflation, Kosmologie Tag, April 2013, Bielefeld University, Germany.

40. New insights in hybrid inflation, 47th ESLAB Symposium, April 2013, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands

41. Constraining Hybrid Inflation with Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Von Humbodt meeting, March 2013, Hannover University, Germany.

42. New insights in hybrid inflation, UK-cosmo meeting, 2011, Kings College London, UK

43. Hybrid inflation along waterfall trajectories, Strings, Cosmology and Gravity Student Conference, 2011, London, UK

44. Hybrid inflation along waterfall trajectories, COSMO-COSPA 2010 conference, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

45. New insights in hybrid inflation, 10th summer school of Cosmology, 2010, IESC, Cargèse, France.

46. Initial conditions in hybrid inflation : exploration with MCMC technique, 45th Rencontres de Moriond Conference, 2010, La Thuile, Italy

47. Initial conditions in hybrid inflation : exploration with MCMC technique, COSMO-09 conference, 2009, CERN, Geneva, Swiss

48. Anamorphosis in hybrid inflation : how to avoid fine-runing of initial field values, Invisible Universe International Conference, 2009, Paris, France

49. Anamorphosis in hybrid inflation : how to avoid fine-tuning of initial field values, 2nd UniverseNet School and Meeting, 2008, Oxford, UK




1. June 2019, CP3 seminar, UCLouvain

2. November 2018, Université de Liège

3. June 2018, Technical University of Munich, Garching

4. June 2018, CEICO, Prague

5. May 2018, VUB, Brussels

6. May 2018, Leiden U., Leiden

7. December 2017, naXys, Namur

8. November 2017, LUPM, Montpellier

9. June 2017, SPT, University Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels

10. June 2017, Queen Mary University, London

11. December 2016, UCL, Louvain

12. October 2016, ICC, University of Barcelona

13. September 2016, LAPTh, Annecy-le-Vieux.

14. July 2016, Bonn University, Bonn.

15. February 2016, Basel University, Basel

16. January 2016, Theory seminar, RWTH Aachen.

17. December 2015, Cosmology seminar, RWTH Aachen

18. June 2014, Liege University, Belgium.

19. January 2014, Mons University, Belgium

20. October 2013, Basel University, Basel

21. February 2013, TU-Munich, Garching

22. June 2012, APC, Paris

23. March 2012, FUNDP, Namur

24. January 2012, RWTH, Aachen

25. September 2011, DAMTP, Cambridge

26. March 2011, Paris Observatory, LUTH, Meudon

27. December 2010, CEA-IPhT, Saclay

28. November 2010, IAP, Paris




1. September 2019, COSMO-19 conference, RWTH Aachen, Germany

2. June 2019, Annual Euclid consortium conference, Helsinki, Finland

3. June 2019, Solstice Meeting of the BE-Higgs EOS, U. Liège, Belgium

4. April 2019, Euclid Theory Group meeting, Oxford U., UK

5. April 2019, Solvay Conference The Dark Side of Black Holes, Brussels U., Brussels, Belgium

6. September 2018, LIGO/Virgo Collaboration annual meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands

7. April 2018, Euclid IST and Theory meetings, Institut Lagrange, Paris

8. March 2018, COSMOTools workshop, RWTH Aachen, Germany

9. February 2018, Deep learning in particle astrophysics, RWTH Aachen, Germany

10. September 2017, Towards the European Coordination of the CMB programme, Florence, Italy

11. May 2017, Euclid IST annual meeting, Heidelberg, Germany

12. May 2017, Euclid Theory Group annual meeting, Heidelberg, Germany

13. February 2017, Big Data Science in Astroparticle Research, RWTH Aachen, Germany

14. July 2015, Solvay Colloquium: Cosmological Frontiers in Fundametal Physics, ULB, Brussels

15. May 2015, Euclid consortium annual meeting, Lausanne.

16. November 2014, 3rd COSPA meeting, University of Liège.

17. June 2014, 2nd COSPA meeting, University of Ghent

18. May 2014, Euclid Consortium annual meeting, Marseille, France.

19. October 2013, The return of De Sitter II, MPA, Garching

20. December 2012, Excellence Cluster Universe science week, Garching

21. November 2012, Workshop: Critical Tests of Inflation Using Non-Gaussianity, MPA, Garching

22. June 2012, 17th Rencontres Itzykson, CEA, Saclay

23. May 2012, Solvay Colloquium: Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics, ULB, Brussels

24. March 2012, UK-cosmo meeting, Sussex University

25. January 2012, Stephen Hawking's 70th Birthday Conference (on invitation), DAMTP, Cambridge

26. May 2009, Solvay Colloquium: Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics, ULB, Brussels

27. December 2007, TRR33 Winter school, Passo del Tonale, Italy

28. November 2007, EURO GRD SUSY conference, ULB, Brussels.





- Organizing committee of the CERN Theory Worskshop, Astrophysical vs Primordial Origin of Black Holes, CERN, Geneva, May 2018

- Organizing committee of the Solvay Conference The Dark Side of Black Holes, University of Brussels, April 2019

- Local organizer of the Belgian GW meetings at UCLouvain, 2018-2019

- Organizer of a Mini-workshop on Primordial Black Holes, April 2019





2018 – 2019: Exercises of the course Mécanique Quantique II, University of Louvain


2017 – 2018: Maître de Conférences, University of Namur

Course: Complements of Mathematics for physicists

(Differential Geometry, functional analysis, quantum operators...)


2015 – 2017: Tutor (and occasionally substitute teacher) for the courses:

Theory of Relativity and Cosmology

Advanced cosmology: the perturbed universe

Theoretical Physics III: Quantum Mechanics

RWTH-Aachen University


2014 – 2015: Maître de Conférences, University of Namur

Courses: Cosmology and Relativistic Gravitation,

Differential Geometry


2008 – 2011: Teaching Assistant, University of Brussels (ULB)

Course: Mechanique, 1st Bachelor in Mathematics, 1st Bachelor in Physics


From 2019: Co-promotor of C. Joana Velasco (FRIA grant, UCLouvain)

2019: supervision of a master student internship (Marion Pillas), UCLouvain

2019: supervision of a master student internship (Olivier Welcomme), UCLouvain

2018-2019: help to the supervision of two PhD students, F. Staelens and N. Herman (sup.: A. Füzfa)

2018-2019: supervision of a master student (E. Tallier), UNamur

2017: supervision of a Bachelor student (M. Schmidt), RWTH Aachen

2016-2017: (co-)supervision of a master students (T. Sprenger), RWTH Aachen

2016: supervision of a Bachelor student (D. Meinart), RWTH Aachen

2015-2016: supervision of a master student (C. Joana Velasco), RWTH Aachen

2015 : supervision of a Bachelor student (A. Roisin), U. Namur

2013-2015: help to the supervision of two PhD students, J. Reckier and S. Schlögel (sup: A. Füzfa)

2012-2013: help to the supervision of one PhD student (Yi Zhu, sup: B. Garbrecht), TU-Munich



1. Conference for the UTAN, on Dark Matter and PBH UNamur, 2020

2. Conference for the UTAN, on Cosmology UNamur, 2019

3. Interview for an article on Dark Matter in Sciences et Vie 2019

4. Interview for an article on Dark Matter in Ciel et Espace 2019

5. Planetarium activity, Printemps des Sciences (PDS) UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2019

6. Conference for the Master Classes in Physics, PDS UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2019

7. Series of three conferences for L'Université des Aïnés, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2019

8. Alice et le Big-Bang activity, PDS UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2019

9. Interview for an article on PBH in Science Today 2018

10. Formation in oral and non-verbal communication UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

11. Conference for Les samedis de la Physique, ULB, Brussels 2018

12. Conference for Bac-1 students in Physics UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

13. Series of three conferences for L'Université des Aînés UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

14. Conference for the CAAPC (amateur astronomers) CAAPC,Charleroi 2018

15. Interview for an article in Sciences et Vie 2018

16. Conference MaPhyl (math and physics alumini) UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

17. Les plus belles Images de l'Univers activity UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

18. Alice et le Big-Bang activity, Université des aînés, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

19. Conference for secondary school students, PDS UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

20. Alice et le Big-Bang activity , PDS UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2018

21. Conference for an internship in amateur astronomy Modave 2018

22. Matière noire, la piste des trous noirs, article in Pour la Science 2018

23. Black Holes since the beginning of time, article in The Scientific American, 2017

Translated in Italian (Le Scienze), Spanish (Investigacion y Ciencia), portuguese (Scientific

American Brasil), German (Spektrum des Wissenschaft), Dutch (EOS), etc...

24. Conference for the Nuit des Etoiles event Parentville, Charleroi 2017

25. Meet a Euclid Scientist (speed-dating activity), Univ. College London 2017

26. Short interview for the RTBF radio Vivacité 2017

27. Interview for an article in the Unamur magazine Omalus 2017

28. Interview for an article in the astronomy magazine Ciel et Espace 2016

29. Invited speaker to the Table Ronde: De la Théorie de la relativité aux ondes

gravitationnelles, for high school students (~200 participants) CAL-Charleroi 2016

30. Periscope online outreach presentation RWTH, Aachen 2016

31. Drôles de Planètes activity (PDS) UNamur 2015

32. Rallye Math activity, by the department of Mathematics, UNamur 2015

33. Belgian Finalist of the FAMELAB contest KULeuven 2015

34. Two-days master-classes in science communication KUL, Leuven 2015

35. Creation, organisation and presentation of five activities linked to Astronomy and

cosmology, for children/families, University of Namur, +600 participants, Unamur 2014

36. Activity at the Nuit des étoiles event Eurospace Center, Redu 2014

37. Interview for an article in the Belgian newspaper Le Soir 2014

38. Interview for an article in the Belgian newspaper L'avenir 2014

39. Master Classes in Physics: Conference on Cosmology UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2010

40. Master Classes in Physics: Conference on Cosmology UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve 2009

41. CERN visit for Ms students from Louvain University CERN, Geneva 2007

42. Scientific-oriented sequences for a student university radio (RUN) 2005




Programming Languages: Fortran 77/90/95, C/C++, Python, Matlab, Java, IDL, Assembler


Symbolic Programming: Mathematica


Parallel Computing: OpenMP, MPI, OpenACC

2012: 3-day formation in OpenMP programming , Edinburgh University

2016: one-day formation in GPU parallel computing, RWTH Aachen University


Numerical Methods: Monte-Carlo, Markov Chains (MCMC), Fisher Matrix, Numerical relativity (BSSN formalism), lattice simulations, finite Element Analysis, Box-counting Fractal analysis...


Numerical Tools for cosmology: MONTEPYTHON, COSMOMC, CLASS, CAMB, ASPIC lib., HiCLASS, MGCAMB, GADGET 2, Multinest, DALI, Latticeeasy,

HLATTICE, Greens, idistort, SAGEmanifold

Leading developer of the ICARUS code (Inhomogeneous Cosmology And Relativistic Universe Simulations)

Developer of likelihood codes

for MontePython, for the Euclid and SKA collaborations




French (native), English (fluent), German (B-level)




2014-2015 : - Organizer of the internal Cosmology Seminars, University of Namur.

- Manager of the Cosmology Group website, University of Namur

- Jury Member for three Ms. Thesis, University of Namur

- Jury Member of one PhD thesis (Dr. J. Rekier), University of Namur

- Representative member at the Unité d'Appui à la Recherche, University of Namur


2008-2011: Management of the Library of the Service de Physique Theorique, University of Brussels.




Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters, Physical Review D, Journal of Cosmology and Particle Physics, Physics of the Dark Universe, European Physical Journal, International Canadian Journal of Physics



1. Member of the (LIGO/)Virgo collaboration since 07/2018 (sub-solar BH and stochastic groups)


2. Member of the LISA collaboration (ESA L-class mission) since 2016 (Cosmology working group)


3. Member of the SKA collaboration (radio-telescope) since 01/2015, Cosmology Science Working Group


4. Member of the Euclid consortium (ESA M-class mission) since 07/2014, Theory (TH), Joint CS-TH, IST

(forecasting and likelihood), galaxy clustering, weak lensing working groups.


5. Member of the COrE collaboration (proposed for a ESA M-class mission) since 03/2014, inflation and cosmological parameters working groups.


6. Member of the Einstein Telescope collaboration/science team since 2016




- Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAP) since 2015.

- Member of the Humboldt Network since 2012.

- Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich area (2012)

- PAI Fundamental Interactions (2007-2011)



- Astronomy, Fantasy literature, ballroom dancing.

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